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Showing posts from April, 2017

C Programming #10 (Pointers)

Call by value To understand this you have to be familiar with functions. Whenever we call a function we passed something to it in general we pass values of the variable to call the function Eg:- sum=calsum(a,b,c); f=factor(a); Call by reference  To get this topic one concept you have to keep in mind that if we do anything in computer it get stored somewhere in the memory so instead of passing value of the variable if we are able to pass location of number ie:address of number then it is call by reference. If you are still not able to understand it then dont worry it's too tough for beginners but in time you will get the things Pointer Notation Consider:- i=3 Here i is the location name 3 is the value of the location 65524 is the location number To know the address ie location number you can use the program:- #include<stdio.h> int main() { int i=3; printf("Address of i=%u\n",&i); printf("Value of i=

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Engineering Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the science of using a computer (program) to help think of solutions to solve a particular problem. This is especially very useful in the field of Engineering; due to the need of constantly trying to automate every process for improved efficiency. Every engineering field has benefitted from the use of AI, some more than others. Computer Engineering Computer Engineering is the primary field in which AI is used. Many companies are preferring AI programming over traditional programming as it allows their programs to be long lasting and avoids the constant need to update. Personal Assistant applications like Google Now, Siri and cortana heavily rely on the use of AI for predicting user behavior and voice recognition. Other application include video games, Purchase prediction, Smart cars, Fraud detection, Security services etc. Instrumentation Engineering Instrumentation Engineering primar

THE AADHAAR MAN (Nandan Nilekani)

An INDIAN entrepreneur, bureaucrat and politician, Nandan Nilekani was the chairman of the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). H had a fairly successful career at Infosys, as the company's topline grew six-fold under his stewardship when he was CEO between 2002 to 2007. After leaving Infosys, Nilekani accepted former Prime Minister Manmohan singh's invitation to steer the implementation of UID card project across the country. This was aimed at providing a unique identification number for every Indian, and will be used primarily for efficient delivery of welfare services. Nandan Nilekani is known as the brain behind aadhar more than his contribution to the Indian IT industry. The biggest misunderstanding of aadhar most Indian have had is the fact it is an ID Proof (like PAN, License, etc.). Nilekani has been quite articulate and clear in busting that myth, clarifying that purpose for aadhar is just for authentication and that it will not serve for any purpos

C Programming #9 (Functions)

Function is a self contained block of statement that perform a coherent task of some kind. In simple word to write a C Program in a professional manner and in a clean way it is must to use  functions. Function is used in the C program where you want to do a specific kind of work always. Example: #include<stdio.h> void message(); int main() { message(); printf("This is 1\n"); return 0; } void message() { printf("This is 2\n"); } Output: This is 2 This is 1 Now you must be wondering that This is 1 Should come first but I have made use of function and designed how it should appear. In this program I have used Message() three times void message() This is for function prototype declaration It is necessary to mention prototype of every function that we intend to define in a program message() This is the function call means it call it's own function and main() is temporarily suspended till the control is in function message af

AC Electricity

AC Electricity AC stands for alternating current. Many of you may be having bit knowledge of this as this is current that you get from your socket at home In America it is around 120 Volts And in India it is 220-230 Volts and 60 Hertz. In DC the waveform is straight line but in AC you can see a wave in the above image As its name indicates that this is alternating in nature its polarity reverses according to time and we can study it if we know the frequency ie: Hertz In India it is 60 Hertz mean it changes its polarity in 1/60 sec.As the formula is Time=1/frequency The flow of electrons changes at every 1/60 sec and this concept of AC is very important to study the components like capacitors and to know that which component supports AC and which supports DC. As many of you must have question in your mind that why we use AC and not DC for daily use in our appliances. It is because AC is easier to transmit long distance and its voltage can be easily increased or decre

C Programming #8 (Case Control Instruction)

In Programming we come across some situations where we have to choose from number of alternatives and choice should be specific to condition so the control statement that allow us to make a decision from number of choice is called as switch or we can say switch-case as they are used together. The switch statement looks like : switch (integer expression) { case constant 1: do this; case constant 2: do this; case constant 3: do this; default: do this; } In these case do this is the command statement that is to be followed when case is satisfied Example: #include<stdio.h> int main() { int i=2; switch(i) { case 1: printf("I am in case 1\n"); case 2: printf("I am in case 2\n"); case 3: printf("I am in case 3\n"); default: printf("I am in default"); } return 0; } Output of the program will be : I am in case 2 I am in case 3 I am in default But this is not the output we needed this program should give us


DC ELECTRICITY DC electricity is known as Direct Current. The reason behind DC is known as direct current are: To conduct electricity there should be a flow of electrons and it takes place when potential difference is applied across it. There are no material in world that do not conduct electricity some material requires less volts to conduct these are conductors and some material requires high (very high) volts to conduct these are insulators.Even air can conduct electricity at high voltage and water is an insulator but it should be pure since water from tap contains chlorine it act as a conductor but distilled water is an good insulator. There are different kind of batteries available in market 1.5 volts 6 volts 9 volts Car batteries have 12 volts The difference in these batteries are related to current the battery of 9 volt have very less amount of power compared to 12 volt battery that we use in car but here the difference is not in the volts here t

C Programming #7 (More Complex Repetition)

The for loop: Most of the time only few programmers use while loop as they are too busy using the for loop. The for allows us to specify three thing about a loop in a single line: Setting a loop counter to an initial value. Testing the loop counter to determine whether it's value has reached the number of repetition desired. Increasing the value of loop counter each time the body of the loop has been executed. General for of for statement: for(initialize counter;test counter;increment counter) { do this; and this; and this; } Example program: /*Calculation of simple interest for 3 sets of p, n and r*/ #include<stdio.h> int main() { int p,n,count; float r,si; for(count=1;count<=3;count=count+1) { printf("Enter values of p,n and r"); scanf("%d%d%f,&p,&n,&r"); si=p*n*r/100; printf("Simple Interest=Rs.%f\n",si"); } return 0; } Explanation: When the for statement is exe

C Programming #6 (Loop Control Instruction)

In C Programming if we want to repeat some statements here we make the use of loops. There are three methods by which we can repeat part of program. Using for statement Using a while statement Using a do-while statement The while loop: It will repeat the program until the condition in while loop become false. Example: /*Calculation of simple interest for 3 sets of p, n and r*/ #include<stdio.h> int main() { int p,n,count; float r,si; count=1; while(count<=3) { printf("\nEnter values of p,n and r"); scanf("%d%d%f",&p,&n,&r); si=p*n*r/100; printf("Simple interest = Rs. %\nf",si); count=count+1; } return 0; } Here this program while loop has the condition to repeat the program 3 times. As in while loop at the end count is increased by 1 every time it execute and when it reaches to 3 control comes out of program and the program terminates. Tips and Traps As I mentioned in m

C Programming #5 (Complex decision making)

Decision making is very important in C program so to get most out of it similar to boolean maths in C we use logical operators Using if else can be tough while making program with some specific condition So here you can use operators like: if((percentage>=50)&&(percentage<60)) printf("Second division"); Here && in if statement is working as AND operator in this both the condition is to be true so that command in if statement to be execute. So if || is used it is similar to OR operator in this type of statement any one condition is to be true for command to be executed. and ! is NOT operator we will see this one in detail in my further blogs. The conditional operator: The for of conditional operator is like  expression 1? expression 2 : expression 3 It mean if the expression 1 is true then exp 2 will be executed if not then exp 3 will be executed. Example: int x,y; scanf("%d",&x); /*Here I have used scanf to take input f