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DC electricity is known as Direct Current.
The reason behind DC is known as direct current are:
  1. To conduct electricity there should be a flow of electrons and it takes place when potential difference is applied across it.

  2. There are no material in world that do not conduct electricity some material requires less volts to conduct these are conductors and some material requires high (very high) volts to conduct these are insulators.Even air can conduct electricity at high voltage and water is an insulator but it should be pure since water from tap contains chlorine it act as a conductor but distilled water is an good insulator.
  3. There are different kind of batteries available in market 1.5 volts 6 volts 9 volts Car batteries have 12 volts

  4. The difference in these batteries are related to current the battery of 9 volt have very less amount of power compared to 12 volt battery that we use in car but here the difference is not in the volts here the concept we have to look is current car battery have very much high current than any other battery as it is required to start the car .
  5. Comparing AA battery to AAA battery both have 1.5 volts but AA battery have more current than AAA battery.
  6. In the concept of DC electron flow directly from negative terminal of battery to positive 
These were the concept of DC and on my blog I write all the things related to Tech and you are free to ask question in the comments and you can also subscribe to us or follow us to be updated
